Saturday, February 4, 2023

“If You are Calling for Law Enforcement What Am I Supposed to Do?” Says JeffCom911 Jefferson County Washington.

 911 Call from Julie Jaman Press Conference Port Townsend Washington August 15th 2022 as We were Being Assaulted by Hundreds of People. 

“What Am I Supposed to Do” Says JeffCom911 Dispatcher Jefferson County Washington to Victim Calling for Help. 


From What I have Seen I do not Believe there are ANY Victims Rights in Port Townsend or Jefferson County Washington. The VICTIMS seem to be Blamed, Scolded, and Gaslighted by every Official everywhere. 

“If You are Calling for Law Enforcement What Am I Supposed to Do?” Says JeffCom911 Jefferson County Washington. Well How about Your Job. 

What is the Point Of 911? I thought 911 was to call for help from Law Enforcement. I thought 911 was to call the Police when you are being assaulted or say in need of “Law Enforcement”. Yet 911 Dispatch Says you are calling for Law Enforcement? What Am I supposed to Do? WOW. This Gal is in the Wrong Job in my Opinion.

You're loud, you're yelling in my ear, STOP Yelling, says Jefferson County Washington Dispatch. Not the right job for her, clearly people being hurt, assaulted or experiencing Trauma, such as those who would call 911, are going to be a bit loud. 

See around 20 of us were being assaulted, by a violent mob of around 400 people. They were screaming, blowing air horns, playing sirens and all manner of extremely loud painful noise. The Caller in that Crowd was trying to hear the 911 Dispatch Operator, and was trying to talk over that mob, dispatch was NOT calming but instead yelled at the caller to Stop Yelling. The Caller in the crowd among those of us being assaulted, Apologized to Dispatch for Being Loud. WOW Right. Seriously Wrong Job. 

Dispatch Says Law Enforcement is Down There. Caller says I am sure they are here somewhere. But I cannot see them around anywhere near where we are. 

Like a Stern Parent, Dispatch Says LISTEN. 

“Where are You” Says Dispatch. Caller Already Told You.

You Can hear Screaming in the Background as we are being assaulted. Dispatch has no compassion and Is NOT Listening to the Caller. 

Assault in Progress 911 Call. Rude Dispatch “What Am I Supposed to Do”. Police Watched Our Assault and Ignored Our Cries for Help.

Downtown Port Townsend Police are doing nothing. 

Calls for Help. Police are Doing NOTHING about it. Rude Dispatch says if your Calling for Law

Enforcement “What am I supposed to Do”. Caller Says, tell them to come over and help us.