Wednesday, December 3, 2014

More public meetings on Navy Growler flights, noise

"PORT ANGELES — The Navy has scheduled two more public meetings on plans to add as many as 36 more EA-18G Growler aircraft — electronic warfare planes — at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.

The hearings will provide information and take comments on the scope of an environmental impact statement.

The Navy scheduled three public meetings last month at Oak Harbor, Coupeville and Anacortes.

Additional meetings have been scheduled for Dec. 3 at the Lopez Island community center and Dec. 4 at Fort Worden Commons at Port Townsend.

A spokesman told the Peninsula Daily News the hearings were added at the request of U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer, whose constituents say the jet noise carries across Admiralty Inlet.

Currently, 82 Growlers are based at Whidbey, where they practice for aircraft carrier takeoffs and landings."
