Sunday, December 7, 2014

Electronic Warfare, Noise Warfare on US is NOT Ok. They are "TRAINING". We are living IT. We have a Constitutional Right To Quiet Enjoyment of our Lives.

"An open house focusing on a proposal to add up to 36 Growler jets to the 82 currently based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island was heavily attended, with many expressing opposition to both the project and its presentation. 

According to Navy spokesman Ted Brown, 377 people were counted entering the open house at Fort Worden Commons on Thursday.

The Navy had set up stations where people could ask questions about different aspects of the proposal to expand the number of EA-18G Growlers at NAS Whidbey Island.

The proposal to add aircraft is “to support an expanded Department of Defense mission for identifying, tracking and targeting in a complex electronic warfare environment,” according to the description of the proposed action on the Navy website at

Navy officials did not respond to questions about electronic warfare because a proposal for a range on the West End is not part of the Growler project, Brown said.

“The Growlers already train in that area and would continue,” he said by text Saturday.

Growler pilots practice landing in short runway techniques used for aircraft carrier takeoffs and landings. 

The sound carries across Admiralty Inlet to Port Townsend and other areas on the North Olympic Peninsula, residents say."


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Comments on the electronic warfare range closed Nov. 28. However, the Forest Service site at says “comments, including anonymous comments, will be accepted at any time” but that “comments posted after the close of a designated comment period may not be able to be given full consideration.”

Comments can be submitted to Gregory Wahl, Olympic National Forest All Units, 437 Tillicum Lane, Forks, WA 98331, or emailed to

Dean Millett, Pacific District ranger, said he will decide on the permit by mid-2015 or later in the year.

Also Folks to discuss your concerns, eMail the Olympic National Forest Supervisor in Olympia, Reta Laford at -