Sunday, April 16, 2023

Port Townsend, a Welcoming Community LOL

 This Could Be Your Welcoming Port Townsend Event. You are NOT Safe having an Event in Port Townsend, unless the City approves of your Belief, your Rights, your God, your Politics, your Gender, your Ideology and sees you as deserving Human Rights, Dignity and Equality.

Odd, Delusional and Hypocritical that the City of Port Townsend worked the Community up to Fear Robert Zerfing, yet when he came to town to film an event he and all of us were attacked. They are the Violent Ones yet Convince the Community they are Peaceful and We are Violent.

“Port Townsend is a Welcoming Community” Says Mayor David Faber.  Let’s Take a Look at How Welcoming the Port Townsend “Community” is.

This Could Be Your Welcoming Port Townsend Event.

These are Scenes from Amy Sousa’s Press Conference, a Women’s Free Speech Event downtown Port Townsend in Pope Marine Park, next to the Cotton Building. #LetJulieSwim Press Conference.   #LetWomenSpeak  #UseYourWords STOP Bullying those you don't agree with. 

Why not Human Rights and Dignity for All?

Don’t Forget Mayor David Faber said this was Beautiful and Supportive. Makes him Proud. Oh and the Man Who assaulted Jennifer Thomas and Others, Mayor David Faber's Law Firm got him out of the charges.

No Discussion. No Trying to Convince Hearts and Minds. Simply Mob Rule, Violence, Noise, Bullying, Intimidation. No Words to Convince others to Love You, Support You. This Violent Mob supported, incited and protected by your Tax Dollars, by the City of Port Townsend Shut Women Down, Hurt Women, Violated Woman and Continue to Do so to this Day. If you were trying to Convince us we are Safe with You, You FAILED. If you were trying to convince us you are loving and kind, You Failed.  If you were trying to say hey believe how we do, well there is no opening for that now that you have assaulted women in the streets of Port Townsend.  I have no fear of PRIDE until that night. Now I See Pride and the Trans Community of PT as Violent, Closed Minded, Mean, Cruel Bullies. 

I have been an Out Lesbian for over 40 years, Never saw anything like it. You don't convince people to like you by hitting them. You listen to them, then you make the intelligent counter argument. Now We don't want to Hear you Ever for Any Reason, as you are no Feared, guess that is what you were going for.

Check out my Video Mashup of How Welcoming of a Community Port Townsend is