Thursday, December 16, 2021

Michael Pace Posts on my Facebook Page. OlyCap Shelter Michael Pace. 7 Million a year, you would think OLYCAP could Do Better, perhaps a teeny tiny bit more professional or at least not an angry, narcissistic bully. Michael Pace of the OlyCap Shelter posts on My, Reverend Crystal Cox's Port Townsend Facebook Page.

  This Guy Brought himself to my attention as who is running the OlyCap Port Townsend Homeless Shelter. He claims that if I exercise my First Amendment rights and share my first hand experience, my perspective that is somehow personal to him, and a direct attack on him. Then tells me his cruelty, berating and bullying me is “not personal”.

When you disclose Mental Issues to the Public, as a Prominent Non-Profit program director or manager of any kind, isn't this a HIPAA Violation?  And to take pictures of their stuff and broadcast their mental issues to the world, WOW OlyCAP really? And I am the Crystal Lady of the UNTRUTH?  WOW INDEED. I have been telling you all for years what is happening at the shelter I am deemed unworthy and am therefor unheard. Meanwhile look at what happened over the years I told you, and you did nothing to change anything. You simply blamed the messenger and BRANDED me the Crystal Lady telling the UnTruths, as OlyCap Director cruelly, gas lighting, and seriously unprofessionally messaged to the Jefferson County Criminal Prosecutor Chris Ashcraft. They don't want first hand experiences and to use that to make positive changes, I Tell them and I am the Problem. Then they don't have to fix anything or even acknowledge it truly was happening and then it happened years more, and many suffered severely over it. 

Michael Pace Loves taking pictures of the "stuff" that homeless gather, making fun of them, and broadcasting it to the world. He takes pictures of what he alleges is hoarding so he can make fun of them and he calls it facts.

On and off over the last year, I have been reporting on my experience with being Homeless in Port Townsend and what I have personally witnessed in the homeless community. I have spoken for myself and no one else. I had not named any OlyCap staff at the shelter as I did not know their names nor was I singling them out. I was discussing policy based first hand experiences. Yet OlyCap's manager, Michael Pace, claims that if I have an issue or opinion or experience with the shelter then that is a direct attack on him personally so he attacks back and then tells me to not take it personal. He seems to be claiming that I don’t get to have my own personal experience but instead must only have his experience, as mine is not fact but assumptions and his experience is fact.

He angers easily and tells me to stop running my mouth, just imagine what his rage is like behind closed doors. And because he is “housed” and the God at the OlyCap Port Townsend Shelter then he gets to Judge Them as somehow Less Than him. How about we take photos of him or at his house as he clearly says he does with those in his “care”?

This Guy thinks it is ok to make fun of the mental disorders of the homeless and to photograph such. It is not ok. Yet when someone tries to complain they are shut down, they are thrown out. If they contact the police for help, they are given the cold shoulder and further cruelty. If you stay at the shelter, you best sit down and shut up and have NO OPINION or personal experience.

And the public wonders why the homeless get aggressive in the streets, they are mentally tortured at the shelter, no Peace in them carries out to the community at large.

Also this is why people choose to freeze to Death and constantly be trespassed living outdoors as the mental health is better even if the physical is harder.

A manager of a Homeless Shelter needs to have a high trigger point first of all, and have an understanding of human nature in a compassionate way. They must be good at conflict resolution and listening to the needs of those in their care and not berate them, bully them, judge them, and talk about them online in a negative way and in regards to their mental condition such as “hoarding” accusation.

An effective manager should have faith of some sort, not saying religious but enough faith in a higher power to be kind, compassionate yet strong, to guide them out of homelessness, to listen and advise effectively. And to insist on the rule of law, unwavering, and live and let live. And NOT to berate, bully, gaslight and attempt to deny their personal experience and make fun of them, photos and all. The energy in this man’s communications is dangerous and aggressive and these are just words on a keyboard, just imagine what it is like to be homeless, him between you and freezing to death and him acting like this? I would be scared to run into him in public, for fear he will bully and abuse me. That is the energy he has shown on my Facebook pages, that he chose to post on, without naming him in anything.

If interested in my online bantering (communications) with this aggressive narcissistic gas lighting bully, click on the PDF below for the exchange. This is who is running your precious OlyCap shelter. THE WRONG PEOPLE INDEED.

Click PDF if interested in the Exchange.

OlyCap should stick to housing and the good things they do for kids and Domestic Violence Victims, and low income they may do a lot of good there, however, OlyCAP should not be running a shelter and should sub-contract that out to a qualified, caring, compassionate, aware non-profit or several that can help them and focus just on that. 

OlyCap is to Big and to Busy to even know what is happening to these people and they have no Homeless Shelter program manager that is qualified and can actually help the homeless to move on from the shelter and keep there mental calm. While at the some time intelligent, experienced, articulate people such as I and others who have been homeless in Port Townsend have told OlyCap, told the Police, told the Commissioners what is happening at the shelter and ignored 5 years and counting.

Meanwhile there are lots of suicides, there is violence and rape and all that criminal demonic chaos at the fairgrounds that led to injury, mental anguish and death and massive suffering of the neighborhood. The homeless cry out to authorities and commissioners are not heard, to the point of killing themselves, they have no advocacy outreach.  To me that is all on how it is managed, and that they are providing no true solution to helping homeless to move on with their lives and live a better quality of life. The homeless here have no true advocacy or support in OlyCap, they simply need to let go of trying to help the homeless as they are and have been hurting them and this leads to unrest throughout the entire community.

Homeless are different, you cannot use the same approach as low income or any other sector of society, it is different in so many ways I cannot explain to you as I don’t believe most have the sense to truly get it. It is one of those things you really had to be there to really get it. 

Myself, and other local nonprofits that do know what is really happening among the homeless, and don’t turn a blind eye to the experience of the individual human beings who go to the shelter and those who live in cars, we apply for state and federal money for our non-profits to actually help them, and we are denied grants and funding as we are told there is a non-profit here providing that service. Yet the service of actually services the homeless in a way that adds to their quality of life and helps them to move on, that is not being done. They are not providing a healthy environment, an environment of non-bias and non-discrimination, a place of safety from threats and theft, privacy, quiet, bullying, discrimination, light and noise, and basic human rights, in my experience and opinion after being in it, among it, near it for 7 years in a row in Port Townsend. 

OlyCap must eventually admit they can’t do this and let it go, do they not see the deaths, the mental anguish, the crimes, the torment? They just must think oh they are just mental issues, that is not necessarily so, it is how they are treated. It is about being bullied, gas lighted, and not believed or heard. 

OlyCap cannot do a good, efficient, ethical, moral job with the homeless sheltering be it tents, cars, or the shelter, that is not bad on them it is simply not their thing, however they are in the way of those of us who can help the homeless for REAL.  

OlyCap should, in my opinion, Stick with big projects such as housing and programs that help low income, and some recent homeless, domestic violence victims, helping children and other good things OlyCap does along those lines. However, the homeless are different than low income, they, we have different needs, different steps to housing that low income don’t necessarily such as a long time out of the system, not wanting authority, having to deal with paperwork, opening up to the rules of government, and the mental health (spiritual) steps it takes to be able to moving back into housing, it is not as simple as if you build it they will come, not if they have to conform, change, be bullied or treated less than, most, as I, would rather freeze to death. 

SO many are treated for addiction but given no real solutions as to how to get out of the mental state that caused the addiction to rule their life. With most homeless the addiction comes later surprise surprise, it comes from wanting warmth that some drugs and alcohol bring, it comes from the massive need for mental calm and relief and no other way taught to them, it comes from being homeless for most and not that the addiction led to homeless. There is so much that the general public cannot know about being homeless, knowing the moment before you freeze to death, scared of no way to find food or get out of the cold, no privacy and yearning craving for it, always rousted in some way, discrimination, no showers, no restroom at times. They don’t know what they don’t know and if you don’t know, or won’t believe and call what they truly experience UNTRUTH, how can you possibly truly effectively help them out of it?

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox,
Universal Church of Light Port Townsend

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