Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The PortTownsend Paper Mill is clearly acting "out of line with the science and economics of our resources. "

"Hi Crystal,

 Wishing to become involved in efforts to reduce pollution from the PT cardboard mill.

After moving here 2 years ago, I am surprised that the federal and state laws have not reined in the blatant pollution of this mill.

 Ecology has received odor reports from me for the past 24 months, but claims not to have my records from Marrowstone Island.

Ms Davis of Ecology did send me a map of odor reporters—not sure if this does anything.
Noise from the mill seems to have increased in the past week (June 20th 2015) has something recently changed?

Mill using 14 times the amount of fresh water compared to the city of PT during a drought… arghh!
Mill engineers ignore suggestions for “best practice” to reduce odor from their outdated kraft technology.

For example, Toronto paper mill produces less toxin and is less consumptive of water and natural resources.

Wondering if the Port Townsend chamber of commerce has explored alternatives to the mill as an employment base by suggesting a more “green” industry be located there?  Building ferry boats has been suggested.

Please email me with any suggestion for becoming involved more effectively to abate this egregious problem.

John Comstock
Marrowstone Island, WA.

You may post my letter.

I respect you for taking a vigorous position on this issue.
It is easy to see that this mill is out of line with the science and economics of our resources.

I shall explore examples of other mills and communities that have abated such blatant pollution, either through modernizing the process, or—more likely—replacing it with a greener technology.

NRDC seems a likely resource, as does Greenpeace and Sierra Club.  EPA should be doing more, but they seem to be mouthing regulations and platitudes, while turning a blind eye to the gross violations.

Besides the (egregious) 14 million gallons per day water consumption, do you have other statistics on relevant issues such as:

Logging and timber clear cutting, and its effect on siltation of salmon streams
Amount and types of VOCs and other toxins pumped into the air
What is in the discharge water they produce, and its effects
Bark chips floating on the bay, and their effect on the aquatic environment
Amount of fuel burned for transportation to and from the mill
Effect of all those heavy trucks on our roads, and who pays for them
the list goes on…

John Comstock
Marrowstone Island WA."