Thursday, March 19, 2015

Washington State Governor calls for Emergency Drought, yet the Port Townsend Paper Mill uses 14 million gallons of water a day and the city of Port Townsend only uses a Million a Day. City of Port Townsend seems to be taking this VERY serious and is about to let the public know.

So, not only does the Port Townsend Paper Mill pollute our air, water, and soil. But they also draw from the same water source as the town of Port Townsend and use 14 times more a day then the entire city of Port Townsend.

At the March 16th 2015 Port Townsend Commissioners meeting during the City Manager's Report, it was discussed about the situation of how much water the Port Townsend Paper Mill uses and how this affects the city of Port Townsend. They said this information will be out in an upcoming newsletter, probably in May.

Those reporting on the mill have discussed for years that the mill is using and seemingly polluting massive amounts of water, then putting it into the Port Townsend Bay.

The mill uses 14 MILLION gallons a day, even if they shut down in a state of emergency, they need a massive amount of water just to keep things going in a shut down mode, per the discussion at the commissioners meeting.

This is a very big deal and will hopefully wake up more of the Port Townsend Residents as to how BAD the Port Townsend Paper Mill is for Port Townsend.

News on Washington Drought State of Emergency
Port Townsend is in an EMERGENCY drought situation yet the Port Townsend Paper Mill uses 14 million gallons of water a day.

Declared Emergency Drought Region

Click Below for Video and Agenda of Port Townsend Commissioners Meeting Dating March 16th, 2015.
It was discussed in the City Manager Report section of the commisser's meeting.