Thursday, July 24, 2014

Port Townsend Poison Factory aKa the Port Townsend Paper Mill. Stand UP Folk. Shut Down this TOXIC Factory. It is YOUR Air. You have a right to clean air and to NOT breath TOXINS so they make MONEY.

Monday, July 21, 2014

No NEW Hospital. It is Ridiculous at Best.

How about a Homeless Shelter? How about a place for victims of sexual violence, trauma, domestic abuse, alternative medicine, healing, or a place for children and teens to "hangout" and NOT a $20 Million Dollar Hospital that is NOT needed

a Port Townsend Homeless Shelter or many other OPTIONS are Better then a NEW 20 Million Dollar Hospital.. that will only 'pretty up' and create no new beds, no jobs and fill no "REAL" Need.

Port Townsend Hospital Commissioners

USDA Loan? First Federal Loan? Mmmm .. Kevin Padrick, Joseph Stilwell, Crystal Cox and Port Townsend... WOW.. can't beat this STORY.. stay tuned.. the TRUTH is Going to be ROLLING downhill.

"The $20 million project will be financed by a $15.6 million, 3.5 percent loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with expenses not covered by the USDA loan to be financed by a separate loan from First Federal, according to Glenn."

WOW, how is this kind of money being loaned to a Hospital that is fine how it is and it's not increasing beds. Port Townsend NEEDS alot of things, LIKE Clean AIR for Example. We do NOT need a NEW 20 Million Dollar Hospital, in my Opinion.

Oh and hmmm.. for those of you who don't know me, My name is Crystal L. Cox, I am an anti-corruption blogger. My good buddy arch-nemeis KEVIN Padrick, is on the Board of First Federal... wonder how much money he is making from this 20 Million Dollar "Loan"?

Oh sorry I Digress..

Anyway.. send me ALL tips, documents, take videos of meetings.. let's take a look at this PUBLIC INFORMATION that is being hidden from the PUBLIC. 

I say Mike Glen, Port Townsend Hospital CEO SUCKS at "value engineering".

Mike Glenn, Port Townsend Hospital Project. What's the SCOOP? What is REALLY Going on? eMail Me.

Port Townsend Hospital Project Investigations. Every Dollar, Every Deal, Every Decision. Got a Video, Audio, Paperwork, a TIp? Post it here and / or email ,

Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

I want to KNOW and I want to TELL ALL, so eMail Me your TIP, take videos of meetings, send me emails and all information that provides accountability and transparency on this project.

Dick Bratton - Port Townsend Hospital Project.

Got a Tip?

Port Townsend Hospital Project or Scandal?

"The $ in this article are not the actual project cost numbers that were presented to, and approved by, the hospital commissioners at their board meeting on Wednesday, July 16.

The approved project budget is now $26.1 million, an increase of more than $3 million over the 'original' proposal.
As usual, hospital administration chose to hide this information from the public until the last minute. Not one of the 19 PowerPoint slides presented to the board on this subject at the meeting was available to the public (online) prior to the meeting, the printed copies provided at the meeting were largely illegible, and there was no opportunity for public comment prior to the board voting to approve the 13.4% increase in budget for the new building."
Tom Thiersch Comment

Got a Tip? email me at or 

Who are the decision makers? Who is really getting the money? Why does the PUBLIC not know what is going on?

Why are the Public Notices' hidden in bushes and down low to the ground around the hospital? A 26 Million Dollar Budget and NO Money for a real sign? WHAT?

Port Townsend Hospital "Project" ~ Mike Glen.

Mike Glenn wants 1.5 Million more for the Port Townsend "NEW" Hospital. Why? Where is the money really going? Who does it really affect? Have the Neighbors been notified? Has there been an environmental review on the issue?

Have the Nesting Eagles been assessed for any issues with their displacement?

Rumor has it that the Hospital does not have the money to build. So why is there another 1.5 requested when the first 16 million is not even there, or is it?

Whats in it for Mike Glenn? I mean what benefit is REALLY in it for him PERSONALLY? Got a Tip? eMail me at

If an environmental assessment has been done, why have the surrounding neighbors not been notified?

Is the Hospital in this small town really not more then adequate? What is this MONEY really about and who is really pulling the strings?

Got a Tip? eMail me at

Reverend Crystal Cox
Investigative Blogger
Eye on Port Townsend

Port Townsend Hospital Project. Got a Tip? eMail me.


Port Townsend Nepotism. Got a Tip? eMail me

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