Port Townsend Event Permit Discrimination Leads to Public Endangerment
Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro and Police Chief Tom Olson blame a local woman, event organizer, for Police Response to 400 people attacking a permitted women’s speaking event in Port Townsend.
City Manager John Mauro knowingly, maliciously misled the public about Port Townsend’s Public Permit Process and Police Staffing.
This Life Endangering Discrimination against Amy Sousa translated into real world violence against people in the streets of Port Townsend. The Community at large still believes our beatdown was justified and feel embolden to continue.
At a City Council Meeting September 6th, 2022 City Manager John Mauro stated that the City looks to the Permit Process to determine what resources are needed at events in PT. Just before this, Mauro had discussed how great the city of Port Townsend handled the 9-3-2022 event via the same “Special Event Permit” process.
Mauro said the response of the city of Port Townsend at Amy Sousa’s August 15th, 2022 event was because the event organizer checked NO on the box on the permit application for the question “Do you anticipate needing police staffing for your event?”
Amy Sousa, the event organizer, had not anticipated a need for police staffing. To the City of Port Townsend this somehow justified how the city responded to hundreds of people sabotaging Amy’s event, assaulting women, shutting down free speech, threatening, intimidating and bullying a very small group at an event with only 11 speakers. Half of the Speakers from that night are lesbians. Most of those at Amy’s event were elderly, many over 80.
When you attend an event downtown PT, you do not often know what box the event organizer checked. The City Manager is basically saying that if the organizer checked a box you don’t know about and you attend the event, get assaulted and call 911, or police are in the area, that they will not help you because of a box someone else checked, and you have no knowledge of.
Here are the remarks City Manager John Mauro made to the City Council and the Public, to justify our assault and the city’s response. Keep in mind, this same night Mauro told the public to refer to the City Q and A for the city’s thinking, regarding comments made that night by Steven Schumacher calling attention to the city response to our assault, our rights violations.
Click below to hear the City Manager refer to the public event permit process application being used by the city for how the city responds, shuts off roads and provides or does not provide police.
Mauro blamed the event organizer for what happened to us that night. Those who attended the event and those who had been assaulted began to view Amy Sousa as the reason the Port Townsend Police stood by as we were assaulted, and why dispatch treated us so dismissively, why we did not get into city council, and why there were no felony charges for our assaults.
Some of them contacted me and asked me what I thought about it. I had already noticed in the newspaper, public records emails, and in Chief Tom Olson’s after action report to the city manager called “Lessons “Learned”, that Olson made it a point to tell everyone that Amy Sousa checked NO on the box for the question, “Do you anticipate needing police staffing for your event?”
I felt that Olson and Mauro were being abusive and discriminating to Amy Sousa, and that they were trying to make her out to be the responsible party for their actions and choices. So I decided to look deeper into the matter.
Did Amy check that box and if so Why?
Most events downtown Port Townsend do not ask for police staffing, it is not really needed. If an event has an assault, harassment or any kind of antagonist, 911 is called and the police show up and deal with it. That is the PTPD standard of practice. That did not happen at Amy’s event.
Amy Sousa told Chief Tom Olson that Antifa would be there.
When Amy Sousa filled out the Permit Application, she did not know that Antifa would be coming to Port Townsend. 2 days later on August 12, 2022, I, Reverend Crystal Cox, noticed Oregon based Antifa put out a Call to Action on Twitter, via SBB_ProtectTransKids @SchoolBoardBloc, encouraging their followers to come to Amy Sousa’s press conference. I notified Amy and she immediately notified chief Tom Olson. Chief Olson assured Amy that he could and would be able to handle it.
Olson knew, as we see in public records, that Antifa and other groups were coming to town as well, and that PRIDE would be there, as well as Libby Wennstrom’s Team and those in the community that the record shows Libby organized to come to city council that night and our women’s speaking event.

Chief Olson misled the public about Amy checking that box, and left out that 2 days after she checked the NO police staffing box, Amy notified Olson of a need for police assistance, as Antifa would be there.
Note here that Mayor David Faber follows @SchoolBoardBloc and interacted with them on Twitter, now X. Faber tweeted articles to them that were hateful and derogatory about Julie Jaman, before our attack. Faber knew they were antifa and knew they would be at our event. (see more about this at the end of the complaint)
Amy Sousa Files for Special Event Permit,
Called Community Support for Women

Source public record, click below
City Manager John Mauro blamed Amy Sousa for the way the city of Port Townsend responded. He claimed it all comes down to the permit process as to what streets are closed, and what police staffing is anticipated and approved for the event.
Did Amy Sousa really say NO on
her Special Event Permit application?

YES Amy Sousa did check that box, that she did not anticipate police staffing being needed, as of August 10, 2022.
Keep in mind Chief Tom Olson knew that Antifa would be there, and knew that Beau Ohlgren had a group that was coming to prevent our speech that Beau and Group decided was hate speech before we even spoke. These groups were specifically invited by Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom and were therefore emboldened as they knew the City of Port Townsend would protect them, no matter what they did.
These groups acted justified and protected to hate us, shut down our event, scream at us, kick us, pin us to bricks, rip items off our body, destroy our property, sabotage our equipment, shut down our speech, ridicule us, threaten us, intimidate us, banish us from the public square and threaten to do worse the next time we try and speak in their public square. And city manager John Mauro justified it all with a Q and A reference, and blamed the city response on the event organizer for checking a box NO.
Chief Olson and Mauro also knew that Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom had a team that would be in the crowd in direct coordinated opposition to us. Olson knew that Beau Ohlgren and Olympic Pride were coming to shut down our speech, to “prevent” our speech. This is seen in the public records email below.
On August 10th, 2022 Olson knew there was a group who were coming to shut down our speech, to “prevent” our speech. This is seen in public records. They determined our first amendment right, our speech was “hate speech” and decided they had a right to then shut our speech down. None of our speeches were hateful in any way. This would not have been tolerated at any other Port Townsend event, regardless if the public did not approve of the content of the event. Amy Sousa was clearly prejudiced and this translated as real world violence with long term effect for those of us speaking and in attendance that night.

Source of Above
Lessons Learned Email, talk of Amy
Chief Tom Olson's “Lessons Learned” report.
Olson admits to knowing groups were coming to shut down our event, our speech, yet Chief Tom Olson did not put up any fencing nor provide any separation of groups or control over the mob. Olson let them have at us however they pleased, deliberately. Officer Titterness is quoted as saying, the PTPD did not want to upset the mob. Officer cam footage shows officers knew there were assaults happening and did nothing.
Prior to the event Chief Tom Olson assured Amy Sousa that he would be able to handle Antifa and the other groups. So Amy took him at his word, however he had no intention of handling it, that became more than obvious.
Chief Olson did not say my entire Police Staff will be on “security duty” guarding the City Hall Building and Councilmembers. He did not say we will be busy making sure city council sympathizers are safe to get in the back door. He did not say if we were assaulted there would be no police available to help us. Chief Olson did say it was first come first serve to get into line at city council, that too was a discriminating lie.
Brian Kalscheuer Port Townsend Community Service Officer emails Police Chief Tom Olson Regarding Amy Sousa’s Permit for Women's Support Speaking Event, scheduled for August 15th 2022. This email from Brian shows that the City of Port Townsend was in communication with Beau Ohlgren’s “group” and knew they were organizing individuals to shut down Amy’s speech, to shut down our speech they deemed ‘hateful”. The City clearly prejudiced Amy.
None of our speech was hateful. This email shows clear prejudice against Amy Sousa, and shows Julie Jaman nor Amy Sousa were treated Equally.

The City knew that a “Group” was going to shut down our event, simply because they decided ahead of time it was Hate Speech and were planning on going to “Prevent Hate Speech”. The City knew they were going to prevent our speech, and did not bother to separate the groups. The City purposely prejudiced Amy Sousa, and thereby discriminated against her, justified public violence toward her and Julie, and this translated as real world violence, human rights violations, civil rights violation, and constitutional rights violations for all of us who spoke at the event, or attended the event.
Chief Olson cautioned Brian on talks with “counter protesters” Beau Ohlgren. Though Amy’s event was not described as a protest. The Groups sabotaged our event, they were the aggressor and the City knew ahead of time. Amy Sousa’s group went to speak at a city council meeting and women's support speaking event, press conference after. However, we were kept out of the city council meeting so we tried to go right into our speeches.
City works director Brian Kalscheuer Port Townsend Community Service Officer seemingly spoke with Beau Ohlgren of Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and knew that Beau would be having people shut down our speech. Brian clearly prejudiced Amy Sousa as someone he did not approve of. This is seen in Brian’s email per his description of Amy.

Source Public Record eMail Click Below
Chief Tom Olson knew there would be Large Groups coming to shut us down

Though Amy’s permit said she did not need Power, things changed and power was needed. Olson was able to adjust to this new need though the box was not checked on the permit.
Oslon claimed that neither Amy Sousa nor her liaison Rory Bowman requested assistance, this was BEFORE Antifa showed up and Olympic Pride as well as Beau Ohlgren’s Group and Libby Wennstrom’s “team” “crew” as she called them, crossed the street and came at us.

Note here, many of the bikes did not depart as Olson said, they pressed up against us as we spoke, flipped us off, threatened and bullied us, intimidated us, screamed in our face, pushed their bikes into us, as video footage clearly shows. And we were told never to come back to the public square in their town, that their tax dollars pay for, as seen in video footage.
Olson says the 911 caller reporting 4 attacking, just hung up. That was a malicious lie. Olson knew it was a lie. It was not about the caller simply hanging up. We were swarmed. Chief Olson misled the City of Port Townsend and the public. The caller was berated by 911, dispatch saying what do you want me to do, the police are there. Many women and men called 911 as assaults were in progress. Officer cam proves that the PTPD knew assaults were in progress and deliberately did not help. Officer Cam shows this clearly.
Click this Album to listen to some of the 911 calls from our assaults
Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson misled the public claiming the officer and troopers went in after 5 minutes, that is not true. We have footage of victims, witnesses, speakers, attendees going to the police across the street over and over to beg for help for assaults in progress, and they just stood there. The men assaulting us, the people shutting down our speech, hitting us, threatening, bullying us, violating our human rights, civil rights and constitutional rights never left and were not stopped by police. It was a lot more than heckling. It happened up until the moment we left. Alex French was still at his victim Jennifer Thomas, while Chief Olson was standing nearby, which is clearly seen in video footage.
Olson claimed there were no injuries, a sore groin, he knowingly, maliciously lied to the public. PTPD knew of long term injuries, the groin injury is major. Alex French kicked Henry Hughes in the privates so hard he has a lifetime injury and medical records to back it up. PTPD and Jefferson County Prosecutors had no interest in justice or accountability. There were quite a lot of physical and emotional injuries that night, and long term. There were NO victims rights for multiple Felonies, Hate Crimes and Assaults. Including assault on a LEO (an officer).
Olson told Amy Sousa it was first come first serve to the council meeting. Therefore Amy Sousa, Julie Jaman and those of us who came with 3 minute speeches prepared were denied due process and equal access to a local government proceeding. This was stated knowingly and with malicious intent ,as the PTPD security team provided a police escort to Beau Ohlgren’s Entire Group through a back door. Chief Olson and City Manager John Mauro preplanned this discrimination and denial of our due process rights to speak at a public meeting in a town we live in. As seen in the public record email below.

Though Olson Knew that Antifa was coming to our event, and that other groups were coming in, from out of town, as well as Olympic PRIDE and Beau Ohlgren’s group was coming to prevent our speech, Olson would later put in his city manager report that he saw no need for barriers or to separate the groups.

If the “risk assessment” did not support a need to separate the groups then Chief Tom Olson and all Port Townsend Officers involved in this assessment are incompetent and a danger to the public. As they had plenty of information to warrant barriers, in the least, to separate the groups. The PTPD and City of Port Townsend CHOSE not to separate the groups and did so, I allege, with malicious intention, and willful disregard for the safety of those of us attending the event. The record shows a clear prejudice that led to real world harm.
The Risk Assessment Planned for a Riot
PTPD prepared for a RIOT per their IAP (Incident Action Plan) yet they provided no separation of groups to protect elderly women, our permitted event participants from Antifa and others that they knew were coming to shut down our speech. PTPD prepared for their own safety and deliberately did NOTHING for our safety. This is a serious public safety concern in Port Townsend as politics, discrimination and bullying is coming from the City itself and the City is choosing which individual and which groups get to have equal protection under the law.

The Above was in the IAP, Incident Action Plan. They planned for a Riot, for Riot related ignition risks, for other possible Hazmat needs. They did not request Riot Police. The PTPD saw enough risk to plan for Gas Mask and Ballistic Vests for them. Yet not even a barrier for us.
Per the above, The PTPD brought Nomex, which is a heat- and flame-resistant fabric. PTPD planned for possible street closing though Amy Sousa clearly checked the box that she did not need streets closed. PTPD planned for Road Hazards. All this and Olson’s “risk assessment” saw no need to separate the groups?
Source of above IAP mentions
Chief Tom Olson misled the Public in his interview
with the Daily Peninsula Newspaper.

“Chief Olson also said there were rumors circulating that outside groups would be
coming to Port Townsend, “Every protest or rally that has counter-protests, “That’s open to the public. That’s intermingling with each other. You can anticipate that’s going to happen.”
Funny Olson claims as if it is easy to anticipate what would happen. Yet his risk assessment did not, in fact, anticipate the obvious and did not find any need to separate the groups.
PTPD Chief Olson is again maliciously, knowingly lying to the public as you clearly see in the public records that Olson did have time to plan and that clearly barricades would have been easily available. He saw no need to protect us. Not separating the groups was deliberate. The city of Port Townsend made their prejudice against us obvious within 24 hours of the YMCA banning Julie Jaman for LIFE.
Olson did not claim that he could not protect us, with such a large group planning on showing up. Olson assured Amy, assured us that he would handle it. Olson, in fact, did not handle it then abusively blamed the event organizer for our felony hate crime assaults and violation of constitutional rights on his watch.
Click Below for Full Article and source of above quotes
Olson claimed it unfortunate the PTPD were the “scapegoats”. However It is unfortunate that Amy Sousa, Julie Jaman and all of us in attendance had to be the City of Port Townsend’s ‘scapegoat’.
City Council Member Claims PTPD was not “Prepped” for Press Conference
Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom was prepared for gunshot traumas, yet the City did nothing to separate the groups, per PTPD’s’ incompetent “risk assessment”.

Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom clearly knows that it is not legal to “harass, intimidate, attack, etc.” yet she was fine with her “crew”, Antifa, Pride and other Groups she incited and invited, doing that to us 2 weeks prior at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference in support of Julie Jaman.

Click Below for More on Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom
Discrimination and Community Endangerment
City Manager John Mauro claimed the city responded to Amy Sousa’s event the way they did because Amy checked NO on the Box asking if she anticipated needing police staffing. Mauro said this on September 6, 2022, just days after our Rally for Decency Protest event. This was clearly abusive toward Amy Sousa, in an attempt to justify the violence the city itself put upon us. The refusal of police to help us was deliberate and not standard of practice. The felony hate crimes we endured that night would later see the Mayor’s law firm making sure no felony assaults were actually prosecuted. Our rights were violated while the Port Townsend Police watched, and the City of Port Townsend itself incited this violence. Then the City claims they look to the event process for police needs and road closure needs.
Robert Zerfing, the man who filed the permit application must have requested police and road closure right? Otherwise Mauro would not blame the organizer for saying NO to police staffing for the event 2 weeks prior?
We had Clallam County Police, around 30 State Police, Coast Guard, Helicopter Police, Jefferson County Police and Port Townsend Police. So Robert must have said YES to needing police staffing right?
NOPE. Mauro prejudiced Amy. Mauro maliciously blamed Amy for something that he claimed was part of the permit process, and clearly Mauro knowingly, maliciously misled the public. This led to further endangering and defaming Amy Sousa.
All the roads downtown were closed, so Robert must have asked for roads to be closed right? NOPE Robert checked no to street closure as well. Mauro clearly, maliciously, willfully, knowingly and dangerously misled the public.

We were there to PROTEST City Hall and how they handled Amy Sousa’s Press Conference. We were NOT there to Protest the LGBTQ community, despite hateful rumors rapidly spread about our event being Nazis, Bigots, Homophobes, and Terrorists. We were called that 2 weeks prior as well. WAIII% protected us so that we, as women, as lesbians who live here in PT, could speak without being attacked, assaulted, and shut down.
WAIII% had gay men with them, 2 who were married to each other. The community painted our event as Hateful and the 400 people who mobbed us as loving and supportive. At both events we were a very diverse group having Pagans, Christians, Jews, Lesbians, Gay Men, Women, Elders, Black People, Liberals, Conservatives and more diversity. Yet the city, to this day, paints our event on 9-3 as racists, and hateful white supremists. These lies further divide our community.
The flat out discrimination LIE and hate inciting prejudice that Port Townsend City Manager displayed in his prejudice and lies about Amy Sousa has caused irreparable damage to PT.
A bit more on Robert Zerfing’s Permit at our 9-3-2022 Rally for Decency Event to PROTEST what the City of Port Townsend had done to us 2 weeks prior.

Note our 2nd Event was also open to the public, though Mauro and Chief Olson acted as if Amy’s event was such a challenge because it was open to the public. (as seen in public record emails and reports)

Click Below to Read Robert Zerfing’s Permit
Even though our Rally for Decency had a Permit that checked that same box, Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro and Chief of Police Tom Olson set off an extremely abusive hate campaign against Amy Sousa, blaming her for the way the City of Port Townsend and the PTPD responded to our event being attacked, shouted over, shut down, threatened, intimidated, and assaults. All while the Port Townsend Police KNEW and deliberately watched, all proven in Officer Cam footage, 911 Calls and Public Records.
September 6th 2022
Port Townsend City Council Meeting at 8:54 Mauro talks about talking to the organizers afterward and that the PTPD list of things that could not be brought in, somehow “killed the turnout” to our September 3rd, 2022 event. Which we held specifically to Protest what the City of Port Townsend did to us 2 weeks prior at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference.
Mauro is wrong. More of the women did not return to speak as they were scared. Many did not leave their homes for months, many are still emotionally traumatized and physically injured. It had NOTHING to do with the city’s “Prohibited Items” list.

Here is the City Meeting for Sept. 6 2022. Timestamp 8:54 for Mauro speaking on the Permit Process
City Manager John Mauro incited hate against Amy Sousa and endangered Amy Sousa.
Mauro failed to state that our permit for the second event also checked that same box and we had massive police. Mauro deliberately, knowingly, maliciously defamed Amy Sousa as did Chief Olson. By September 6 2022 Mauro knew that the second event also said NO to police staffing. Yet he stated to the public that the city acted how they did that night because a box Amy checked. As if she is to blame for the City of Port Townsend deliberately maliciously endangering us. The City, the PTPD clearly hated us, prejudged us, discriminated against us even before our press conference and the City emboldened hundreds of others to do the same, knowing the city of Port Townsend would protect them to violate our rights and assault us.
All the Felony Assaults that night, including Assault on an Officer, saw Mayor Faber’s law firm representing the men who committed those felonies. Even though Mayor David Faber assured the public he would have no conflict of interest as stated in the article linked below when Fabor was running for Mayor.

Amy Notified Chief Olson that Antifa would be there
Again when Amy Sousa filled out the Permit Application, she did not know that Antifa would be coming to Port Townsend. When she did know, she told Chief Olson, so he could plan, anticipate, get barriers and take other precautions to separate the groups. There was no way or reason for Amy to believe that Olson would not take any of it seriously and claim that in his risk assessment no separation of groups was needed.
Though Robert Zerfing checked the Box for no Police Staffing needed, Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend did indeed provide Police Staffing.

September 1, 2022 Additional Staffing Source
Here is a Video Clip of “some” of the Police Staffing we got at our Rally for Decency September 3rd, 2022
Standard of Practice
What is the standard of practice for Permits in PT. On this Officer Cam Footage we see a Port Townsend Police Officer tell a member of the public “Permitted event we have to be here”
Timestamp 2:42, shows officer saying, yeah permits, with a permit we gotta be here
When you look into Special Event Permits in Port Townsend, you see most check NO for that same box, as police are not needed. However because the Port Townsend Police were there, this prevented us from Police help as we were assaulted, robbed, threatened, bullied, screamed at, hit, shut down and had no way to get help, as the police were all already there and ignoring us.
Steven Schumacher, Sept. 6 2022 City Council meeting and what Mauro Said in Response at Timestamp 2:35
More of Steven Schumacher, Sept. 6 2022 Comment
City Posts Q and A Regarding YMCA
City of Port Townsend Posts a Q and A on the City Website to notify the public of their opinion, and alleged “facts” of what happened regarding Julie Jaman being Banned from the YMCA. Port Townsend City Manager John Mauro would later use this to justify violence against women, Lesbians, Elders by referring people to the YMCA Q and A. How this relates to Violence against us and our Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights Violations makes NO sense to me.
Click below to read the full document, now removed from the City Website.
In the Q and A, the city admits the employee had no identification, no way for Julie or others to know they were an employee. The City admits that the rule of 3 policy exists and was violated.
The city misleads the public about the restrooms, as they were changed AFTER Julie was banned to meet state code. The Q and A misled the public and city manager Mauro would later claim it justified the city’s response to our attack.
Mayor Faber Knew Antifa would be there as he followed them on Twitter.
Mayor David Faber was interacting with Antifa via @SchoolBoardBloc on Twitter Before our assault, he clearly discriminated against us, hated us, and condoned our attack.
Antifa explaining their call to action against Port Townsend citizens they label bigots, and claim the press conference for our statements to be documented for a city council process in the town we live in, is a protest. There was never any “transphobic hatred”.
Port Townsend Mayor David Faber sends Antifa @SchoolBoardBloc an article against PT resident Julie Jaman.
This is the very group of Antifa inciting hate and violence against us, and carrying it out that night. Hate, Online Bullying with the Mayor that translated as real world violence upon women who spoke at Amy Sousa’s press conference. 
@SchoolBoardBloc, Antifa shares the article Mayor Faber directed to them.

Antifa encouraged fundraising from their hate campaign against Port Townsend resident Julie Jaman. Mayor David Faber donated to the Campaign.

Antifa was Posting on Twitter in “real time” as we were being assaulted.
We were trying to speak at a permitted event. We planned to attend a city council meeting. We were blocked out while the police gave protection to one party, denying us equal protection under the law. We were screamed at, threatened, intimidated, bullied and hit. Items were ripped off our bodies. We were pinned to a brick wall, pinned to a brick ground cover. Bicycles disrupted our event, then pressed into us, giving us no room for our permitted event.
We were robbed, kicked, chased and shoved. Pride flags were wrapped around our faces, panicking and scaring many, permanent injury to others. To this day the City sides with the Mob that assaulted us. They continue to gaslight and outcast us.
We were told that worse would happen to us next time. The angry mob yelled this is their town.
The PTPD knew there were assaults in progress and deliberately did nothing, as officer cam footage and public records clearly shows.
Mayor Faber’s friends @SchoolBoardBloc, Antifa were tweeting as we were speaking that night, making fun of us, in real time. @SchoolBoardBloc said it would be a shame if someone sabotaged our equipment, then our equipment was shut down at that very moment in time.
The mob made up what we feel and who we are and then attacked us for their assumptions of who we were. This was posted by Antifa in real time at the exact moment I spoke on the values of pride and my voice was being shut down as a Port Townsend Lesbian Advocating for Equal Rights for All.

I was never against trans. Libby Wennstrom contacted Jason Serinus and Beau Ohlgren and gave them false information that led to violence against us. They were all worked up based on lies. I am not against “trans” people. We were not there to speak against trans people. That narrative was used to incite hate and violence against us.
Here is Councilwoman Libby Wennstrom organizing people to protest and bully Julie Jaman.
Read from Bottom to Top. Turns out Libby was the main organizer of the Groups that attacked us and those who protested and bullied Julie Jaman.
The Port Townsend Community took delight in shutting my voice down. I received this message just after my speech. I was not hateful in any way. The City of Port Townsend led this mob to believe that they were loving and accepting and me and those who spoke at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference were hateful. They are proud to have drowned me out.

Antifa posted on Twitter as the bicycles come in to ruin our event. They bragged about their noise shutting down our free speech rights at our “permitted event”. No other event in Port Townsend would have seen the City respond as they did. It was Deliberate, Malicious and with Willful intent as Public Records clearly show. The City knew Antifa and others would be there to shut us down.

Antifa posted on Twitter when Julie Jaman was begging for the Police to help us. The Police denying us equal protection under the law was even obvious to Antifa.

Posting on twitter play by play as we are speaking

Councilman Ben Thomas Admits that the City of Port Townsend expected Violence “Outside” at the August 15th, 2022 Press Conference organized by Amy Sousa in support of Julie Jaman.
The Councilors had been told not to go outside, because it could be violent. Yet the City did not bother to provide barricades or any other measure to separate the groups. Chief Tom Olson said in the risk assessment there was no reason to separate the groups. Click Below for Ben’s comments to a reporter. The person he talks about coming up to him in tears, was me. He did nothing to try and help those women.
Here is Robert Zerfing’s Permit Application
Here is Amy Sousa’s Permit Application
For the Chronology of Events that Led up to this Beat Down, Click Below
City Manager Deliberately Endangered US
and Justified it with a Q and A that a private non-profit narrated.
A few Videos of me, Reverend Crystal Cox talking
about the Permit Discrimination issue
No Fencing, Libby Team, WAIII%, Rally for Decency, City Council Lies.
City Manager Prejudiced Amy Sousa, City knew we had no protection, they had protection
John Mauro Full Comments on Permit Process
Discrimination and Public Corruption
It is Important to understand that Chief Olson and John Mauro discriminated against Amy Sousa, and deliberately endangered the public.
City Manager LIED about the Port Townsend Permit Process
Libby Wennstrom Complaint
To Quote the infamous words of
Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson,
“I kind of feel like “agenda” was put ahead of safety.”
Written upon the knowledge, research, belief, and personal experience
of /s/ Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light
Public Benefit Corp.
non-profit advocate for victims, women, elders, lesbians, homeless