Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bumfiddler George Marie Port Townsend Rose Theater Letter to the Editor Regarding Reverend Crystal Cox's Ethics Complaint against Mayor David Faber. "the Rev" Responds in Good Ol' Fashioned "Old English" Fun.

George Marie's Letter to the Editor was Quite Theatrical, not being a Game of Thrones watcher, I had to look up the quote and parties to get the full perspective.  Turned out the "Her" in Tell HER I DID IT was the One that WON the Proverbial Battle. Hmmm.. Odd Quote to Use when at the End of Scene, the character I am to be seemed to have been better off.

So, anyway, I decided to follow up with some old English words, that one would have to look up to decipher. Enjoy!!! 

In Case you have not read the Queen of the Rose Theater’s Port Townsend letter to the editor, Mea Culpa: Setting the record straight, here is that Taradiddle first.


“An allegation has moved forward against our mayor alleging that he conspired with an “activist group” to keep anti-trans activists from entering a city council meeting.

In the words of Olenna Tyrell from Game of Thrones,

“Tell her I did it. I want her to know it was me.”

When I discovered that an anti-trans rally was to take place at Pope Marine Park on the day the city council was to offer a proclamation in support of a vulnerable community, I reached out to my vast network of friends, colleagues, neighbors, political leaders, community leaders, teachers, doctors, therapists, business owners and otherwise with a single intent: bring in as many voices of support for the proclamation as possible. We showed up to support our wonderful trans and nonbinary friends, neighbors and community members.

To be clear, I did not conspire with anyone on the city council in this effort. I did ask a city council member — not David Faber — how many people would be allowed into the building for a council meeting.

I was told by the council person that whoever could not attend in person would be able to attend online.

On the day of the event, people began lining up at Port Townsend City Hall hours before the event. While an anti-trans rally proceeded across the street, hundreds came together to form a line around the block, dancing and blowing bubbles, all there to make sure that love outweighed hate and fear.

Of course, I did not do this alone, and neither am I a leader of an “activist group.” I’m just one person who supports the rights of trans and nonbinary people to exist, to make decisions over their own bodies, and to live free from prejudice, discrimination and fear. I know a lot of other people who agree with me, and they also know a lot of people, and it turns out the vast majority of people agree with us.

Love wins.

George Marie

Port Townsend”

Reverend Crystal Cox’s Response
Warning Brain is Needed LOL

Local Snollygoster uses Pathetic Prevarication to Defend Fopdoodle Mayor.

Bumfiddler George Marie confesses to organizing mob to violate the rights of community elders and rape survivors at a permitted PT event, then brags about. 

The record is crystal clear, city officials prejudiced Julie Jaman and let people they aligned with in the back door of city hall to “fill up” the council chambers. 

Public Records are clear that the origin of the RIOT was Libby Wennstrom, who organized massive people, along with her nonprofit Salish Rescue to shut down women speaking at a permitted event on city property.

George Marie can Yowl Mea Culpa all she wants, she was NOT the Origin. Good to know she used her clout to get professionals in the area to join in a lynch mob against vulnerable community members at a permitted event, essentially saying this is ok for any PT event.

They will now ALL Be Plaintiffs in a pending class action Civil Rights Lawsuit.

If I had the power, clout and vast network of cotswolds such as the Ninnyhammer Queen of the Rose does. I would call up my “colleagues, neighbors, political leaders, community leaders, teachers, doctors, therapists, business owners and otherwise with a single intent: bring in as many voices of support” for human rights, love, safety, and dignity for ALL community members equally. Especially the vulnerable elders and rape survivors.

I went to speak on the values of Pride such as:  Diversity, Authenticity, Supporting and Empowering ALL Community Members, Social Justice, Freedom for ALL, Inclusivity for ALL, Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Empathy and NO Bullying of ANY Community Member. 

Everyone has the right to free speech and the right to not be bullied or discriminated against. 

Jaman deserved equal rights. To me it was not a “trans” issue, it was and is a human rights, dignity, free speech, equality and safety issue.


Bullying is defined as a wielding of social power to belittle a person or influence a situation. Jaman was absolutely bullied.

It is not a value of Pride to pick and choose which community member gets rights and which do not. It is not a value of Pride to engage in such a taradiddle that led to real world violence and non stop hate to an Elder in our community and her supporters.

I am Bumfuzzled at the Notion of screaming, threatening, hitting, silencing, bullying, defaming elderly women and rape survivors as “love outweighing hate and fear”.

How does a local Snollygoster decide who gets rights, safety, dignity, love, inclusion and who does not?  George Marie does not get to be the Port Townsend Human Rights Gatekeeper.

There have been many speakers and permitted events in PT that I did not align with what they were saying and I never once thought about yelling at them, running them out of town, assaulting them, bullying them or inviting others to do so.

To me there is not one reason, belief or word Jaman could have said to justify hurting, bullying, berating, defaming, outcasting her, a long time elder in our community. Jaman is to be respected, period.

A permitted event in Port Townsend should be safe for all.

Anyone asking city officials for answers were/are met with prevarication.

The Flumadiddle Mob represented the epitome of prejudice, discrimination and fear. The vast majority does not agree with them.


The Rev. Crystal Cox

Universal Church of Light