Sunday, September 10, 2023

Port Townsend Police Discrimination. “Private Sector” vs “Public”. YMCA Discrimination. YMCA Manager Rowen DeLuna

 October 6th, 2022, Amy Sousa, Julie Jaman and Rebel News Katie Daviscourt, went to the Port Townsend YMCA to deliver a petition with thousands of signatures. The YMCA manager called 911, the Port Townsend Police walked on over, as they are next door, on the same city property. Officer Jason Greenspane “trespassed” these ladies from the Port Townsend YMCA on City Property.

In this Officer Cam Footage Clip, Port Townsend Police Officer Jason Greenspane explains to YMCA manager Rowen DeLuna, that there is a difference in “trespassing” laws for the “Private Sector” vs the “Public Sector”.

Timestamp 1:40 Officer Jason Greenspane says “they are going to receive a Trespass admonishment, it’s just a warning, that they can’t be on YMCA property basically for a period of 7 days. It starts at 7 days then it goes to, I think the next one is 14 or 30 and then the next one is 60 or a year. It gets gradually if they keep violating it”

Rowen says, “Can’t just do a year?”

Officer Greenspane goes on to say, “because this is not private property, it may be private, but it’s in the “public sector” so we have different rules regarding that”

Officer Greenspane, “I can’t detain them, I don’t really have a crime I am detaining them on”. Yet they were “trespassed” for a crime right? The crime of trespassing, and allegedly interfering with customers, of which they clearly were not.

Officer Greenspane Timestamp 3:09, “I am treating this just like a city property, just like city hall or something like that.”

Why was Julie Jaman Trespassed FOR Life, from this same “CITY PROPERTY”.

This Officer Footage shows, in my opinion, malicious intent. In Other words the City of Port Townsend KNOWS that this is city property, and may have different trespassing rules then say private property. It is city property outside the door and inside the door.

So admitting that “Laws” are different in the “public sector” clearly shows discrimination and prejudice. On July 26, 2022 when Julie Jaman was naked, distressed, and spoke out she was banned for Life, no warning no 7 days then 14, then 30?

Julie, Amy and Katie were NOT accosting patrons on their way in. In fact Katie Daviscourt’s footage clearly shows that the Patrons accosted Julie, Katie and Amy coming up to them angry. Click Below to Watch Footage. Timestamp 1:40