Sunday, February 13, 2022

Port Townsend God, Jefferson County Commissioner Kate Dean determines which sector of society is "PEOPLE", and tells us our body is Political Idealogy.

 Yes Jefferson County Washington Commissioner Kate DEAN there is a Massive Violation of Rights.

Jefferson County Washington County Commissioner Dehumanizes Us, We not vaxxed, are “Not People”. Wow Right. Yep, dehumanizing us is exactly what Commissioner Dean’s remarks have done.

“Responding Monday to public comments about the Trucker Protests, Jefferson County Commissioner Kate Dean said:

“I think bringing up issues that are from another country and are largely politically and ideologically motivated is not especially helpful at this time, and I am frustrated by the ongoing chorus of voices saying their personal freedoms are being violated when what we see in fact is that everything is open, people are out, people are traveling, people are recreating, people are doing what they want to do. There is not a massive violation of personal liberties, people are living their lives, and the economy is strong. I don’t see the victims in this as those who are being asked to wear a mask.”

Some Of My Thoughts on this TOTALLY Out of Touch Local Politician.


Yes Jefferson County Commissioners there is “a massive violation of personal liberties”. I have studied this stuff for decades. You have misinformation the public on health bigtime and dangerously so. You allowed a local unelected Health Dictator to divide us, to poison us, to segregate us, to force us to take a Big Pharma drug with unknown consequences and people die daily from it. If you believe this is an issue from another country, or POLITICAL, you are mistaken, ALL the so called individual countries acted in unison, there was no “another country” with the lockdowns and forced toxins.  

No Kate, my body, my choice, is not “ideologically motivated”. It is about the research I have personally done for decades and my divine sovereign rights. Stop trying to Divide Us. We LOVE Each Other. 

You allowed the children to suffer and be abused, and to now have lower IQ’s pers lots of studies, to have social disorders and anxiety, to be suicidal. You ruined lives, this is not about CANADA, and NOT about Party. You don’t GET to Tell us what to do without Body. This is a world wide uprising to take back our Freedoms from the Darkness within the Government. You do not own us. 

And No Clueless, Heartless woman, PEOPLE are not going about their “lives”, you divided us, people yell at us daily to mask up and inject an experimental drug from big pharma, we are segregated, we are discriminated against and have to eat out back doors of restaurants as if we, THE HEALTHY PEOPLE are lepers. 

Our Loved Ones Died Alone. The Children have suffered, you are complacent in what you have done. Where is your Humanity? Why Make My Body about your Politics?

You have no heart, and only see a select amount of people “living their lives”.  Kate Dean YOU are WRONG, this is NO where NEAR Largely Politically

My Body does not belong to a Party. THIS IS NOT POLITICAL. YOU MAKE IT POLITICAL TO DIVIDE US. Have you no Love, No Honor and Integrity, No Intellectual Humility. Can you not see this Movement of LOVE. You're Frustrated? By Us wanting Equality and to not be harassed, coerced, discriminated against, berated, outcast and abused, WOW. If our Voices Frustrate you then POLITICS is not the place for you. 

“Everything is Open” she says, hmmm for who? And what about the accountability and the deaths right now happening and long term damage, you are ok with that, WOW?  

People are doing what they want? WOW so not only am I alt right, racist, homophobic, misogynist and a terrorist but now I am not even PEOPLE, as you have told us where we can go and what we can do.  Just because I live here does not mean YOU own my Body. PEOPLE are Traveling. People are doing Fine, it is Just those Non-People of you that do not Confirm to Dictatorship that have the issue, which is allegedly political. What a CROCK.  My Body is my Divine Sacred Temple and is NOT POLITICAL.  If you do not see the Victims, Commissioner Kate Dean, then you have not bothered to look, read any reports, any studies, as there are a whole lot of them. 

So Basically the Point of this Post is to say.   This is NOT an ISSUE from “another country”, this was a world wide coordinated political party attack on our divine sacred rights. Of Which the Freedom Movement sweeping the globe is taking back. We do not need dictators, health boards, and governments to control our lives, we can think for ourselves. 

In Case you are completely tone deaf as they say and Paying No Attention, this "trucker protest" as you call it, in "another Country" is Actually the biggest HUMANS RIGHTS DEMONSTRATION ON EARTH.

~ Reverend Crystal Cox

Monday, February 7, 2022

Gateway Poplar Alliance Communications Question

 Gateway Poplar Alliance Communications Question

Dear All,

I've been drafting many of the emails sent to the City, PUD, and Port, which are then edited by others who either belong to the Olympic Environmental Council, or Gateway Poplar Alliance.

We have collectively worked to prepare the 50 page analysis, which is downloadable on our website.  We sent this analysis to each agency to be transparent, honest, and to engage in communication, at the end of December.  We have not received a substantive reply from any agency to date.

After all this effort, Julie Jaman and I, who have been the most visible members of these groups, received this email from City Manager John Mauro:

Hi Andrea, Julie


I’ve been confused and disappointed by some of the unnecessary accusations and misinformation that I’ve been hearing and reading from you since I last suggested that we connect directly and talk through some of your concerns around the Sims Gateway project.  I think you may be confusing or misinterpreting some of the information and events.  I fear that this may be fueling your frustrations and an assumption of malintent on the City’s (or my) part.  . . .  I’m sure we haven’t gotten it perfectly, but we are trying hard.  I’d like to clear the air so we can stay focused on progress.


For those reasons, I’m again making the offer for me or a staff member of mine to meet with you in good faith to learn what your intent is, to share what we currently know about the project and to aim for a more productive and collaborative space.  I believe your current approach – . . . may simply lead to more frustration on your end and may prevent us from ever discovering solutions that we might all generally support.  I understand that you care considerably about our community, the Gateway and the poplars.  There’s lots of energy there and it’s great common ground to start with.  It’s my hope we can channel that productively and work better together.


Please let me know if you’re up for a brief call or visit.  Meanwhile, and if you still choose not to engage directly with me or the City team, for the sake of upholding and modeling respectful and productive civic dialogue, I request and would appreciate your commitment to positive intent and honesty in your communications.





Our members responded to the email above, again asking for a transparent and inclusive process, and have invited 4 council members to meet us on site; only 1 has indicated what appears to be a genuine interest.

The purpose of this email is to ask you if we could include your email address as a "cc" in future communications with these agencies, to illustrate to them that this proposed project...fraught with documented not just concerning to Julie Jaman and Andrea Hegland.

If you would be interested in following these exchanges as a "bc", please let me know your preference either way.

This is a time consuming and uncompensated endeavor.

Thank you

Andrea Fontenot Hegland
Gateway Poplar Alliance

Friday, February 4, 2022

Reverend Crystal Cox Prayer for Port Townsend. Organics, Healers, Energy Medicine, Farmers Market, No GMO Foods ummm What?

A Video I made regarding my current hometown and the mandates Reverend Crystal Cox Prayer Ramble for Port Townsend. Thoughts on Port Townsend is not the Community I thought was my Tribe. Prayers, Blessings, and Ramble.

Click Below to Watch