Sunday, January 3, 2021

Who Profits from the HOMELESS Staying Homeless? Do your Research. Ask Yourself is your Local Government helping you, improving your life personally in any way?

  Ask yourself what kind of a community allows known drug traffic on county property (Fairgrounds), they allow known crimes, thefts, violence, abuse, discrimination, while at the same time pressing criminal charges against a local homeless man they claim abused his dog, and take his dog. How do they choose what crimes to prosecute and what crimes to turn a blind eye to? Do the Prominent People of Port Townsend decide this? (wink wink, we all know THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PROMINENT PEOPLE) However, they like to call themselves that when they get their lynch mob to take away a 14 year local resident, homeless man’s dog. 

What is the real Agenda? 

You Decide for You what you Believe.

Jefferson County, the City of Port Townsend, and OlyCap PROFIT off the homeless community, that simple. They have a budget to HELP, they choose to simply turn a blind eye and continue with the status quo, as they keep getting bigger and bigger paychecks.

The Housing First solution they claim to adhere to, they do not. Even in the recent 1/10 tax to allegedly help the homeless and low income, they state they can build mental facilities, while at the same time claiming they are taking a HOUSING FIRST approach. If it were a true housing first model, you would HOUSE people FIRST. Not build more buildings you own, pay more doctors, psychiatrists, planners, engineers, police, managers and then HELP or HOUSE. 

In housing first applications you HOUSE PEOPLE FIRST, then you can poke and prod and try and figure out what is wrong with them. STOP with your mental help, your hospital help, your free doctors, your free counselors and NO HOUSING. 

You make being HOMELESS worse and YOU PROFIT FROM IT.  

I can get 75,000 in heart health care, I can get surgery, or well ANY medical procedure right now NO MATTER THE COST, I can get it FREE. But you see I live in a CAR and they don’t apply HOUSING FIRST, as they Profit from overbilling in the name of their homeless patient. 

That ends soon with the NEW Billing Regulations, TRANSPARENCY and end the greed of hospitals, health boards and the like, and put them in competition with private companies who can charge less, and perhaps be nicer to us as HUMANS and NOT commodities. 

There are many stories and examples for another day, however, this comes to mind, I went to the Port Townsend Hospital a few year back and this homeless man was dropped off, had his blanket, sat in waiting room, he could hardly walk, they admitted him, treated whatever, and then put him outside to go “home”. He had no home, could hardly walk, and a bad cold on top of it all. They could treat him, bill the insurance, the state, Medicare. They could PROFIT in so many ways from this visit to the hospital by the homeless man, but NO HOME. Housing is cheaper than all the cops, ambulance, health care, mental care, street clean up and more, yet they keep the homeless homeless. There is a Reason. THEY PROFIT FROM IT. 

THEY ALL make a living from the homeless and low income, so why change it. They make deals, they pay too much to build new buildings, and over pay for buildings doctors own, lots of stories on all that another day. The point is if you are HOUSED and HEALTHY, you don’t need them they don’t get to be Greedy GODS keeping you sick instead of healing you. 

There is a CURE for EVERY disease, always has been. THEY keep you from the cures and charge you plenty. They profit from all of society and especially the Low income and Homeless so there is NO INCENTIVE to actually help otherwise they have no high paying job. WE DON”T NEED THEM. And in fact, they are actually preventing us from housing and constantly create more barriers and more obstacles to get into homes. 

It is Cheaper to House People than build and maintain a new mental facility, however, THEY can profit off of that way into the future and housing homeless, where is the profit and fun in that. Where is the long term income to the county, the doctors, the government, the health board terrorists? 

They shut down your business and demand you pay for their licensing, fines, and the right to exist. Your rent, your bills, your property taxes, your dreams, THEIR PROFIT and THEIR CONTROL.  Do you Choose This?

It’s a crime (mandatory) if you wear no mask or open your Port Townsend business, they fine and badger and force you to comply, meanwhile known violence, theft and drug trafficking needles and all plays out in once quiet neighborhoods and they do nothing. Is this what you want? 

Ask Yourself is your Local Government helping you, improving your life personally in any way? 

What is Your Truth?  

What Kind of Life Do you really want to Live? What do you personally believe? 

Who are you without your Government, your favorite Politician?

 What would life be like with NO GOVERNMENT ? 

Simply Things to Ponder and THINKS to THINK.

~Reverend Crystal Cox