Sunday, February 9, 2020

Homelessness Can Be Eradicated - Fight Big Real Estate with Nithya Raman. Homelessness in a Community, a County, a State is a CLEAR sign of Local Priorities Period.

Homelessness is a matter of priority for ANY community. Homelessness is an EASY FIX. Instead communities, most all government agencies and non-profits make it hard for people to get into housing. They “think” they are creating a way for people to get and stay in housing, however they are missing the basics such as a welcome bathroom, a welcome shower. A place to simply “be”. This are easy fixes and most communities make it a big “study”, a mental health issue and so many more “things” that are not the reason we are homeless, nor the reason we stay homeless. More money to bathrooms and showers and less to the wages and the studies to figure us out. Focus on the FIX.  The homeless can’t fix this from the place of homelessness.  Those in charge of local real estate development, local law, local non-profits, they are the issue, they are the disconnect. It is a matter of Focus, of Priority.

Block Grants for the PT Paper Mill to poison our water and air, 10 million gallons of water a day they could do many other productive things with, instead the PT paper mill gets it for free along with public monies, why? They say to create jobs. However, instead, the grants, the money could go directly to the people instead of to big corporations owned outside of PT to make big money for them, using your local tax dollars for FREE.

Homelessness is a matter of what a local community prioritizes.

This is an awesome video on LA homelessness, a few good tidbits for those who really want to do something about homelessness.

Port Townsend Homeless News