Sunday, September 20, 2015

the Port Townsend Paper Mill is NOT being WATCHED by local authorities and no one is listening nor making them obey the law

Jefferson County Washington and the City of Port Townsend Can do something about the Puget Sound Temperature. SHUT down the Port Townsend Paper Mill

Asbestos and other Known TOXINS and Jefferson County Healthy, the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County does not STOP this ???

"Larry Powers Wonder why the PH of the water is acidic around the sound? Acid trucks go to Port Townsend Paper full and return empty? The PH of the ash they are stock piling is not 7 and the rain run off is not stopped before the salt water. The sediment ponds out back of the mill have aerators that are built of stainless steel floating in the pond. The acid in the pond totally ate the float till it would not hold the air pump . I was there when it was pulled out of service. The entire mill is loaded with asbestos and is crumbling and exposing the workers through out the mill every day."

From my Facebook Page at

the Port Townsend Paper Mill is a MAJOR contributor to the toxins and acids in our waters

Don't Forget this Comment by Larry Powers about the Acid Trucks from the Port Townsend Paper Mill.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is No Longer a Good Fit for Port Townsend. YOU have a Constitutional Right to Breath Clean Air.

What is the smell in Port Townsend? Why does the city of Port Townsend and Jefferson county allow this to go on? Who is getting paid off? Why should we buy in Port Townsend or continue living in Port Townsend? Does the fine particles I see in the air at night have any harmful properties? Is there really 1000 lbs of ammonia a day coming out of the Port Townsend Mill? Is there really massive asbestos issues at the mill? Is the SLUDGE filling the Port Townsend Bay with Acid?

These are among the many questions I get from my blogs daily, weekly, monthly.

The smell is POISON. Check Out

the Port Townsend Paper Mill is Breaking the Law Period. And Jefferson County and the City of Port Townsend are enabling them to do so. You have a constitutional right to clean air, clean water and clean soil. The Paper Mill uses massive water, poisons it and in turn poisons the Port Townsend Bay which then poisons the Puget Sound and affects all sea life that we love so much here. The Port Townsend Paper Mill is Not a Good Fit For Port Townsend.…/…/